A huge advantage with the Internet is the sheer speed with which practically every kind of transaction can be completed. Whether it is to get a home loan, buy a car or seek credit cards, the process can be completed in a matter of minutes. But recent developments have seen access to Chase credit cards slashed to the minimum of time, with applications approved instantly.
Known as the instant approval program, Chase bank is one of two key card issuers in the US - the other is Bank of America - to encourage consumer activity in the economy by removing many of the hurdles that normally make life difficult for applicants. All applicants need to show is that they have a reliable source of income and be over 18.
The purpose is to help qualifying individuals on the road back to financial recovery by offering credit cards that can be properly managed. If cardholders can get to grips with the mistakes of the past, then their future credit rating can be vastly improved too.
Advantages For Applicants
Like all cards, Chase credit cards come with a range of incentives that effectively make using the card less expensive than it seems, and provide a reward scheme from which real discounts can be enjoyed. This is pretty much par for the course when it comes to seeking credit cards, but there are basic incentives that should be expected.
As well as the advantages of being part of an instant approval program, qualifying cardholders benefit through an introductory offer that includes 0% APR and no annual fees. There are also 0% charges on purchases and balance transfers for the first 6 months, though this can sometimes extend to 12 months depending on the card itself.
As with all credit cards, of course, once the introductory offer ends, then APR of as much a 14% is typically charged, which is competitive. And as is always the way, repaying the bill on time vastly reduces the overall cost of the card, so sound card management will save money too.
Other Key Incentives
There are more incentives to enjoy through Chase credit cards. For example, by getting immediate access to a card it all but removes the stress that can come with seeking vital extra funds fast. An emergency bill might need to be paid quickly, and a credit card can provide the much-needed funds in a matter of minutes.
So, through this instant approval program, any additional stress otherwise associated with the application process, is removed. That extra peace of mind is hugely beneficial. But perhaps the most significant advantage that is provided by this program is the opportunity given to bad credit applicants to rebuild their status.
It might seem strange since credit cards are synonymous with bad credit scores and financial problems, but if the cardholders take a mature attitude to using the cards then it provides them with another chance to master the responsibility of handling access to credit sums.
Managing Your Card Maturely
So, is it very difficult to manage your Chase credit card maturely? Actually no. For those cardholders who have suffered real financial hardship at the hands of their cards, the reality is that such problems are down to the spending habits of the cardholder - nothing else. Once this truth is accepted, then it becomes easier to police ones own spending habits.
By taking advantage of the instant approval program from Chase, or from Bank of America, the chance to exercise that self-control is made simple. Usually, some simple rules are applied, like restricting card use to a limited number of specific purposes. For example, maybe use the card only to meet bills on time, and not for shopping. When this kind of plan is adhered to, the benefits of using credit cards become clear very quickly.
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